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Aberdeen Grammar, AberdeenshireBiography
1. Name Jonathan Stanfield
2. Nickname Jonny
3. Position Wing/Fullback
4. Previous Clubs Aberdeen Grammar, Aberdeenshire
5. Earliest Rugby Memory Wearing a South Africa Jersey when I was five.
6. Best ground you’ve played at Kingspan Stadium
7. Rugby Idol Shane Williams
8. Best dressed team mate Will Bate
9. Worst dressed team mate Niall Murphy
10. Worst training drill? Rucking
11. If you didn’t play rugby, what sport would you play Football
12. Favourite rugby moment When Ireland won the grandslam and it was O'Driscoll's last.
13. Celebrity lookalike Christian Bale
14. Which 3 famous people would you have over for dinner Ed Sheeran, Chris Spratt, Brian O'Driscoll
15. Last try you scored Try against Upper Eden in September